MIT Strategic Engineering

Publications by Type
[2012] | Systems Engineering – Grundlagen und Anwendungen , Orell Füssli Verlag, Zurich, 2012. (ISBN-13:978-3-280-04068-3) [bib] |
[2011] | Engineering Systems: Meeting Human Needs in a Complex Technological World , MIT Press, 2011. (ISBN-13:978-0-262-01670-4) [bib] |
Book Chapters
[2012] | Design Structure Matrix Methods and Applications , Chapter in Xerox Digital Printing Technology Infusion, Example 3.9 (Steven D. Eppinger, Tyson R. Browning, eds.), MIT Press, 2012. [bib] |
[2012] | Design Structure Matrix Methods and Applications , Chapter in BP Stakeholder Value Network, Example 5.5 (Steven D. Eppinger, Tyson R. Browning, eds.), MIT Press, 2012. [bib] |
[2010] | Encyclopedia of Marketing , Chapter in Product Platforms, Wiley, 2010. (ISBN 978-1405161787) [bib] |
[2010] | Encyclopedia of Aerospace Engineering , Chapter in High-Fidelity Tool to Model the Utility of Fractionated Space Systems (R. Blockley, W. Shyy, eds.), John Wiley and Sons Ltd, 2010. [bib] |
[2010] | Unifying Themes in Complex Systems , Chapter in Can Models Capture the Complexity of the Systems Engineering Process?, Springer, 2010. (ISBN 978-3-540-85080-9) [bib] |
[2009] | Real Options in Engineering Design, Operations, and Management , Chapter in Identifying Real Options to Improve the Design of Engineering Systems (H.B. Nembhard, ed.), CRC Press, 2009. [bib] |
[2005] | Product Platform and Product Family Design: Methods and Applications , Chapter in Determining Product Platform Extent (Z. Siddique T. W. Simpson, J. Jiao, eds.), Springer, 2005. [bib] |
Journal Articles
[2016] | An independent assessment of the technical feasibility of the Mars One mission plan – Updated analysis , In Acta Astronautica, 2016. (![]() |
[2014] | Logistical Analysis of a Flexible Human and Robotic Mars Exploration Campaign , In Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, 2014. [bib] [doi] |
[2014] | Dynamic Modeling and Optimization for Space Logistics Using Time-Expanded Networks , In Acta Astronautica, volume 105, 2014. [bib] |
[2014] | Concurrent Design of Scientific Crewed Space Habitats and Their Supporting Logistics System , In Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, volume 51, 2014. [bib] |
[2014] | Functional and Spatial System Model for City Infrastructure Systems: A City.Net IES Case Study , In Systems Engineering, volume 17, 2014. [bib] [doi] |
[2013] | Collaborative and Educational Crowdsourcing of Spaceflight Software using SPHERES Zero Robotics , In International Journal of Space Technology Management and Innovation (IJSTMI), volume 2, 2013. [bib] |
[2012] | Inter-Domain Analysis of Smart Grid Domain Dependencies Using Domain-Link Matrices , In IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, volume 3, 2012. [bib] |
[2012] | Quantifying the Energy Intensity of the Urban Water Cycle , In Journal of Infrastructure Systems, 2012. (Under review) [bib] |
[2012] | Model-Based Design Structure Matrix: Deriving a DSM from an Object-Process Model , In Systems Engineering, 2012. (Accepted, in press) [bib] |
[2012] | Modeling Epistemic Subsurface Reservoir Uncertainty using a Reverse Wiener Jump-Diffusion Process , In Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, volume 84-85, 2012. (doi: 10.1016/j.petrol.2012.01.015) [bib] |
[2012] | Interplanetary Supply Chain Management and Logistics at NASA , In International Journal of Logistics, 2012. (In revision) [bib] |
[2012] | Performance Evaluation and Comparison of Five Deterministic and Probabilistic Multiobjective Optimization Algorithms , In Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2012. (In revision) [bib] |
[2012] | Column Generation Based Heuristics for a Generalized Location Routing Problem with Profits Arising in Space Exploration , In European Journal of Operational Research, 2012. (Accepted, in press) [bib] |
[2012] | Survey of Flexible and Reconfigurable Systems , In Journal of Mechanical Design, 2012. (In revision) [bib] |
[2012] | A Personal Airbag System for the Orion Crew Exploration Vehicle , In Acta Astronautica, 2012. [bib] |
[2012] | Overview of metrics and their correlation patterns for multiple-metric topology analysis on heterogeneous graph ensembles , In Physical Review E, volume 85, 2012. [bib] |
[2012] | Enhance communication between parents and mature children by sharing medication information , In Journal of Information Processing, volume 20, 2012. [bib] |
[2012] | Design of Long Endurance Systems with Inherent Robustness to Partial Failures during Operations , In Journal of Mechanical Design, 2012. (Accepted, in press) [bib] |
[2012] | Multistate Design Approach to the Analysis of Performance Robustness for a Twin-engine Aircraft , In Journal of Aircraft, volume 49, 2012. [bib] |
[2011] | A posteriori Design Change Analysis for Complex Engineering Projects , In Journal of Mechanical Design, volume 133, 2011. (doi: 10.1115/1.4004379, ![]() |
[2011] | Project Management vs. Systems Engineering Management: A Practitioners' View on Integrating the Project and Product Domains , In Systems Engineering, volume 14, 2011. (doi: 10.1002/sys.20187, ![]() |
[2011] | Multilayer Network Model for Analysis and Management of Change Propagation , In Research in Engineering Design, 2011. (doi: 10.1007/s00163-011-0125-6, ![]() |
[2011] | Matrix Methods for Optimal Manifesting of Multi-Node Space Exploration Systems , In Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, volume 48, 2011. (![]() |
[2011] | Hierarchical Decomposition and Multi-Domain Formulation for the Design of Complex Sustainable Systems , In Journal of Mechanical Design, volume 132, 2011. (doi: 10.1115/1.4002239, ![]() |
[2010] | Technology Infusion for Complex Systems: A Framework and Case Study , In Systems Engineering, volume 13, 2010. (doi: 10.1002/sys.20142, ![]() |
[2010] | Multidisciplinary Optimization of Injection Molding Systems , In Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, volume 41, 2010. (doi: 10.1007/s00158-009-0435-8, ![]() |
[2010] | Mars Surface Exploration Caching from an Orbiting Logistics Depot , In Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, volume 47, 2010. (doi: 10.2514/1.37694, ![]() |
[2010] | MDO: Assessment and Direction for Advancement: an Opinion of One International Group , In Structural and Multidisciplinary Optmization, volume 40, 2010. (doi: 10.1007/s00158-009-0381-5, ![]() |
[2009] | Matrix Modeling Methods for Spaceflight Campaign Logistics Analysis , In Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, volume 46, 2009. (doi: 10.2514/1.43319, ![]() |
[2009] | Reconfigurabililty in Planetary Surface Vehicles , In Acta Astronautica, volume 64, 2009. (doi: 10.1016/j.actaastro.2008.10.010, ![]() |
[2009] | Change Propagation Analysis in Complex Technical Systems , In Journal of Mechanical Design, volume 131, 2009. (doi: 10.1115/1.3149847, ![]() |
[2008] | Modeling Methods and Conceptual Design Principles for Reconfigurable Systems , In Journal of Mechanical Design, volume 130, 2008. (doi: 10.1115/1.2965598, ![]() |
[2008] | Optimal Reconfiguration of Satellite Constellations with the Auction Algorithm , In Acta Astronautica, volume 62, 2008. (doi: 10.1016/j.actaastro.2007.02.008, ![]() |
[2008] | An Optimization Framework for Global Planetary Surface Exploration Campaigns , In Journal of the British Interplanetary Society, volume 61, 2008. (![]() |
[2007] | A Mathematical Model for Interplanetary Logistics , In Logistics Spectrum, volume 41, 2007. (![]() |
[2007] | Flexible product platforms: framework and case study , In Research in Engineering Design, volume 18, 2007. (doi: 10.1007/s00163-007-0032-z, ![]() |
[2007] | Flexible platform component design under uncertainty , In Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, volume 18, 2007. (doi: 10.1007/s10845-007-0008-x, ![]() |
[2007] | Assessing Risks and Opportunities of Technology Infusion in System Design , In Systems Engineering, volume 10, 2007. (doi: 10.1002/sys.20061, ![]() |
[2007] | Time-Expanded Decision Networks: A Framework for Designing Evolvable Complex Systems , In Systems Engineering, volume 10, 2007. (doi: 10.1002/sys.20069, ![]() |
[2007] | Spare Parts Requirements for Space Missions with Reconfigurability and Commonality , In Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, volume 44, 2007. (doi: 10.2514/1.21847, ![]() |
[2007] | Coupled Vehicle Design and Network Flow Optimization for Air Transportation Systems , In Journal of Aircraft, volume 44, 2007. (doi: 10.2514/1.27320, ![]() |
[2007] | Degree of Modularity in Engineering Systems and Products with Technical and Business Constraints , In Concurrent Engineering, volume 15, 2007. (doi: 10.1177/1063293X07078931, ![]() |
[2007] | Flexibility in component manufacturing systems: evaluation framework and case study , In Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, volume 18, 2007. (doi: 10.1007/s10845-007-0033-9, ![]() |
[2007] | Strategies for On-Orbit Assembly of Modular Spacecraft , In Journal of the British Interplanetary Society, volume 60, 2007. (![]() |
[2006] | Reconfigurability in Planetary Surface Vehicles: Modeling Approaches and Case Study , In Journal of the British Interplanetary Society, volume 59, 2006. (![]() |
[2006] | Economic case for the retirement of geosynchronous communication satellites via space tugs , In Acta Astronautica, volume 58, 2006. (doi: 10.1016/j.actaastro.2005.12.014, ![]() |
[2006] | Isoperformance: Analysis and Design of Complex Systems with Desired Outcomes , In Systems Engineering, volume 9, 2006. (doi: 10.1002/sys.20043) [bib] |
[2005] | Fast time-domain simulation for large-order linear timeinvariant state space systems , In International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, volume 63, 2005. (doi: 10.1002/nme.1294, ![]() |
[2005] | Adaptive weighted sum method for multi-objective optimization: a new method for Pareto front generation , In Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, volume 31, 2005. (doi: 10.1007/s00158-004-0465-1, ![]() |
[2005] | Variable chromosome length genetic algorithm for progressive refinement in topology optimization , In Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, volume 29, 2005. (doi: 10.1007/s00158-004-0498-5, ![]() |
[2005] | Adaptive weighted-sum method for bi-objective optimization: Pareto front generation , In Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, volume 29, 2005. (doi: 10.1007/s00158-004-0465-1, ![]() |
[2005] | Basic capacity calculation methods and benchmarking for MF-TDMA and MF-CDMA communication satellites , In International Journal of Satellite Communications and Networking, volume 23, 2005. (doi: 10.1002/sat.812) [bib] |
[2004] | Parametric Scaling Model for Nongeosynchronous Communications Satellites , In Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, volume 41, 2004. (doi: 10.2514/1.6220, ![]() |
[2004] | Staged Deployment of Communications Satellite Constellations in Low Earth Orbit , In Journal of Aerospace Computing,Information, and Communication, volume 1, 2004. (doi:, ![]() |
[2004] | Design of Radio Telescope Array Configurations using Multiobjective Optimization: Imaging Performance versus Cable Length , In Astrophysical Journal, volume 154, 2004. (doi: 10.1086/422356, ![]() |
[2004] | ARGOS testbed: study of multidisciplinary challenges of future spaceborne interferometric arrays , In Optical Engineering, volume 43, 2004. [bib] |
[1993] | USD für Transparenz in der Ablauforganisation , In io Management, volume 62, 1993. [bib] |
Conference Papers
[2016] | Limitations of Reliability for Long-Endurance Human Spaceflight , In AIAA Space 2016 Forum and Exposition, 2016. [bib] |
[2016] | Systems Analysis of In-Space Manufacturing Applications for the International Space Station and the Evolvable Mars Campaign , In AIAA SPACE 2016 Forum and Exposition, 2016. [bib] |
[2016] | Increasing the Fidelity of Maintenance Logistics Representation in Breakeven Plots , In 46th International Conference on Environmental Systems, 2016. [bib] |
[2016] | Sensitivity Analysis of the Advanced Missions Cost Model , In 46th International Conference on Environmental Systems, 2016. [bib] |
[2015] | Analytical model and simulations of closed-loop rebreather systems for Earth and Space applications , In 45th International Conference on Environmental Systems, 2015. [bib] [doi] |
[2015] | HabNet - An Integrated Habitation and Supportability Architecting and Analysis Environment , In 45th International Conference on Environment Systems (ICES), 2015. (![]() |
[2015] | A simplified mathematical model for two-sided market systems with an intervening engineered platform , In IDETC Conference 2015, 2015. [bib] |
[2015] | Impact of architecture types and degree of modularity on change propagation indices , In ICED Conference 2015, 2015. [bib] |
[2015] | Automated Risk and Supportability Model Generation for Repairable Systems , In 66th International Astronautical Congress, 2015. [bib] |
[2015] | Comparison of Spares Logistics Analysis Techniques for Long Duration Human Spaceflight , In 45th International Conference on Environmental Systems, 2015. [bib] |
[2015] | Benefits of Additive Manufacturing for Human Exploration of Mars , In 45th International Conference on Environmental Systems, 2015. [bib] |
[2014] | A Novel Framework for Advanced Life Support Systems Control , In 44th International Conference on Environmental Systems, 2014. [bib] [doi] |
[2014] | Dynamic Modeling and Optimization for Space Logistics Using Time-Expanded Networks , In International Astronautical Congress, 2014. [bib] |
[2014] | Dynamic Network Modeling for Spaceflight Logistics , In AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference, AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition (SciTech2014), 2014. [bib] |
[2014] | Multi-stakeholder Interactive Simulation for Federated Satellite Systems , In 2014 IEEE Aerospace Conference, 2014. [bib] |
[2014] | An Independent Assessment of the Technical Feasibility of the Mars One Mission Plan , In 65th International Astronautical Congress, 2014. (![]() |
[2014] | Use of Semi-Markov Models for Quantitative ECLSS Reliability Analysis: Spares and Buffer Sizing , In 44th International Conference on Environmental Systems, 2014. [bib] |
[2014] | Innovation Dynamics in the Development of Nuclear Energy and Electric Vehicles in France , In 4th International Engineering Systems Symposium - CESUN -, 2014. (pdf, ![]() |
[2014] | Planning an Itinerary for an Electric Vehicle , In IEEE EnergyCon, International Energy Conference, Proceedings in IEEE Xplore, 2014. (pdf, ![]() |
[2013] | Structural complexity: Quantification, validation and its systemic implications for engineered complex systems , In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED13), 2013. [bib] |
[2013] | Structural Complexity Quantification for Engineered Complex Systems and Implications on System Architecture and Design , In 39th Design Automation Conference, ASME-DETC 2013, 2013. [bib] |
[2013] | A Network-based Structural Complexity Metric for Engineered Complex Systems , In 2013 IEEE International Systems Conference (SysCon), pages 426-430, 2013. [bib] |
[2013] | Nanosatellite clusters for multi-spectral, bi-directional reflectance distribution function estimations , In IAA Symposium on Small Satellites for Earth Observation, 2013. [bib] |
[2013] | Learning from a design experience: continuous user involvement in development of aging-in-place solution for older adults , In 9th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED 2013), 2013. [bib] |
[2013] | Analysis of user-generated multimedia data on medication management and consumption behavior using data mining techniques , In 7th International Conference on Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction (UAHCI 2013), held as part of 15th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII 2013), 2013. [bib] |
[2013] | Older adults experiences with technology: learning from their voices , In 15th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII 2013), 2013. [bib] |
[2013] | Improved Concurrent Optimization Formulation of Crewed Space Habitats and Their Supporting Logistics Systems , In AIAA Space 2013 Conference and Exposition, 2013. [bib] |
[2013] | An Integrated Modeling Framework for Infrastructure System-of-systems Simulation , In 2013 IEEE International Systems Conference, 2013. [bib] |
[2013] | Innovative Conceptual Engineering Design (ICED): Creativity and Innovation in a CDIO-Like Curriculum , In Proceedings of the 9th International CDIO Conference, 2013. [bib] |
[2013] | Using mature children living apart to improve parents medication compliance , In 16th ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW 2013), 2013. [bib] |
[2012] | Interplay between Product Architecture and Organizational Structure , In 14th International Design Structure Matrix (DSM) Conference, 2012. [bib] |
[2012] | Structural Complexity Metric for Engineered Complex Systems and its Application , In 14th International Design Structure Matrix (DSM) Conference, 2012. [bib] |
[2012] | Multistate Analysis and Optimization of a Geared Turbofan Engine Lubrication System , In 14th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference, 2012. (Accepted) [bib] |
[2012] | Process-oriented evaluation of user interactions in integrated system analysis tools , In IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC 2012), 2012. [bib] |
[2012] | Process-oriented evaluation of user interactions in integrated system analysis tools , In IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC 2012), 2012. [bib] |
[2012] | Integrated Framework for the Design of Crewed Space Habitats and their Supporting Logistics System , In AIAA Space 2012 Conference and Exposition, 2012. [bib] |
[2012] | A New Project-Based Curriculum of Design Thinking with System Engineering Techniques , In 3rd International Engineering Systems Symposium, 2012. [bib] |
[2012] | Strategic Engineering Gaming for Improved Design and Interoperation of Infrastructure Systems , In Third International Engineering Systems Symposium, 2012. [bib] |
[2012] | Multi-stakeholder Gaming and Simulation Environment for a Future Resource Economy in Space , In Global Space Exploration Conference, 2012. [bib] |
[2012] | Federated Simulation and Gaming Framework for a Decentralized Space-based Resource Economy , In ASCE Earth and Space 2012 Conference, 2012. [bib] |
[2012] | Sustainable Urban Sanitation: Simulating a Desludging Service in Senegal , In 23rd Annual Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society, 2012. [bib] |
[2012] | Understanding the Impacts of Indirect Stakeholder Relationships: Stakeholder Value Network Analysis and Its Application to Large Engineering Projects , In Strategic Management Society SMS Annual Conference, 2012. (Accepted) [bib] |
[2012] | An Integrated Modeling Framework for Analyzing the Sustainability of Planetary Surface Habitats , In Global Space Exploration Conference, 2012. [bib] |
[2012] | Feasibility of a 5x Speedup in System Development due to META Design , In ASME 2012 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences, 2012. (Accepted) [bib] |
[2012] | Investigating Relationships and Semantic Sets amongst System Lifecycle Properties (Ilities) , In 3rd International Engineering Systems Symposium, 2012. [bib] |
[2012] | An Experimental Methodology to Evaluate Concept Generation Procedures Based on Quantitative Lifecycle Performance , In INCOSE International Symposium 2012, 2012. [bib] |
[2012] | City.Net IES: A Sustainability-oriented Energy Decision Support System , In 2012 IEEE International Systems Conference, 2012. [bib] |
[2011] | Cross-Domain Interactions in Water and Energy Systems: A Case Study of Masdar City , In 6th Dubrovnik Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy Water and Environment Systems, 2011. [bib] |
[2011] | Characterizing the Dynamics of Design Change Attributes , In 18th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED 11), 2011. [bib] |
[2011] | Multilayer Network Model for Analysis and Management of Change Propagation , In International Conference on Engineering Design ICED’11, 2011. [bib] |
[2011] | Integration of medication monitoring and communication technologies in designing a usability-enhanced home solution for older adults , In IEEE International Conference on ICT Convergence, 2011. (Excellent Paper Award) [bib] |
[2011] | Mid-Course Plane-Change Trajectories Expanding Launch Windows for Mars Missions including Venus Flyby Opportunities , In AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference, 2011. [bib] |
[2011] | Comparative Usability Study of Two Space Logistics Analysis Tools , In AIAA Space 2011 Conference and Exposition, 2011. [bib] |
[2011] | Space Logistics Modeling and Simulation Analysis using SpaceNet: Four Application Cases , In AIAA Space 2011 Conference and Exposition, 2011. [bib] |
[2011] | System Dynamics Modeling of New Vehicle Architecture Adoption , In International Conference on Engineering Design ICED’11, 2011. [bib] |
[2011] | A University Perspective on the NASA/SISO Smackdown Modeling and Simulation Outreach Event , In 2011 Fall Simulation Interoperability Workshop, 2011. (![]() |
[2011] | A Personal Airbag System for the Orion Crew Exploration Vehicle , In 62nd International Astronautical Congress, 2011. [bib] |
[2011] | Feasibility Study of an Airbag-Based Crew Impact Attenuation System for the Orion CEV , In AIAA Space 2011 Conference and Exposition, 2011. [bib] |
[2011] | Technology Insertion in Turbofan Engine and assessment of Architectural Complexity , In 13th International Design Structure Matrix (DSM) Conference, 2011. [bib] |
[2011] | Context-aware reminder system to support medication compliance , In IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 2011. [bib] |
[2010] | Reverse Requirements Engineering: An Architecture Requirements Recovery Framework , In 4th Asia-Pacific Conference on Systems Engineering (APCOSE 2010), 2010. [bib] |
[2010] | Systems Engineers' Perceptions on the Adequacy of Project Management Methods for Systems Engineering Management , In 20th INCOSE International Symposium, 2010. [bib] |
[2010] | Graduate Students' Perceptions of Computer-Based Project and Systems Engineering Management Methods , In Proceedings of the Fifth LINC Conference, 2010. [bib] |
[2010] | Comparing and Optimizing the DARPA System F6 Program Value-Centric Design Methodologies , In AIAA Space 2010 Conference and Exposition, 2010. [bib] |
[2010] | Autonomous and Distributed Collision Avoidance Maneuvers for Fractionated Spacecrafts , In International Workshop on Satellite Constellation and Formation Flying, 2010. [bib] |
[2010] | Matrix Methods for Optimal Manifesting of Multi-Node Space Exploration Systems , In AIAA Space 2010 Conference and Exposition, 2010. [bib] |
[2010] | Dependency Structure Matrix Modeling for Stakeholder Value Networks , In 12th International Design Structure Matrix (DSM) Conference, 2010. (![]() |
[2010] | Smart Grid Reference Architecture: Linking Business Domains to Technical Domains , In 4th Asia-Pacific Conference on Systems Engineering (APCOSE 2010), 2010. [bib] |
[2010] | Innovative conceptual engineering design – A template to teach innovative problem solving of complex multidisciplinary design problems , In 2010 ASEE Annual Conference, 2010. [bib] |
[2010] | Design Complexity Management through Systematic Decomposition and Formulation , In European Conference on Complex Systems ECCS'10, 2010. [bib] |
[2010] | A Simulation-based Design Model for Analysis and Optimization of Multi-State Aircraft Performance , In 51st AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, 2010. [bib] |
[2009] | Spectral and Topological Features of Real-World Product Structures , In 11th International Design Structure Matrix (DSM) Conference, 2009. [bib] |
[2009] | Is there a Complete Project Plan? A Model-Based Project Planning Approach , In Proceedings of the 19th Annual International INCOSE Symposium, 2009. [bib] |
[2009] | A Modular, High-Fidelity Tool to Model the Utility of Fractionated Space Systems , In AIAA Space 2009 Conference and Exposition, 2009. [bib] |
[2009] | Designing Capital-Intensive Systems with Architectural and Operational Flexibility Using a Screening Model , In COMPLEX'2009, 2009. [bib] |
[2009] | Active Learning Project Sequence: Capstone Experience for Multi-disciplinary System Design and Management Education , In International Conference on Engineering Design, ICED'09, 2009. [bib] |
[2009] | A Flexible Architecture and Object-Oriented Model for Space Logistics Simulation , In AIAA Space 2009 Conference and Exposition, 2009. [bib] |
[2009] | RFID-Based Automated Asset Management for the International Space Station: RAMSES Prototype Test Results and Implications for ISS and Constellation , In AIAA Space 2009 Conference and Exposition, 2009. [bib] |
[2009] | Engineering Change: Drivers, Sources and Approaches in Industry , In International Conference on Engineering Design, ICED'09, 2009. [bib] |
[2009] | An Airbag-Based Crew Impact Attenuation System for the Orion CEV , In AIAA Space 2009 Conference and Exposition, 2009. [bib] |
[2009] | Cargo Revenue Management for Space Logistics , In AIAA Space 2009 Conference and Exposition, 2009. [bib] |
[2009] | A methodology for system architecting of offshore oil exploration systems , In 11th International Design Structure Matrix (DSM) Conference, 2009. [bib] |
[2008] | Technology Infusion: An Assessment Framework and Case Study , In Proceedings of IDETC/CIE 2008, ASME 2008 International Design Engineering Technical Conference and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, 2008. [bib] |
[2008] | Matrix Methods Analysis of International Space Station Logistics , In AIAA Space 2008 Conference and Exposition, 2008. [bib] |
[2008] | Matrix Modeling Methods for Space Exploration Campaign Logistics Analysis , In AIAA Space 2008 Conference and Exposition, 2008. [bib] |
[2008] | Spatial Nyquist Fidelity Method for Structural Models of Opto-Mechanical Systems , In SPIE Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation Conference, 2008. (![]() |
[2008] | Use of Small Logistics Containers for Crewed Lunar Exploration Campaigns , In AIAA Space 2008 Conference and Exposition, 2008. [bib] |
[2008] | An Autonomous, Real-Time Asset Management System for the International Space Station: Net Present Value Analysis , In AIAA Space 2008 Conference and Exposition, 2008. [bib] |
[2008] | Design of Experiments in Campaign Logistics Analysis , In AIAA Space 2008 Conference and Exposition, 2008. [bib] |
[2008] | SpaceNet: Modeling and Simulating Space Logistics , In AIAA Space 2008 Conference and Exposition, 2008. [bib] |
[2008] | A Modeling Framework for Applying Discrete Optimization to System Architecture Selection and Application to In-Situ Resource Utilization , In 12th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference, 2008. (![]() |
[2008] | Architecture Modeling of In-Situ Oxygen Production and its Impacts on Lunar Campaigns , In AIAA Space 2008 Conference and Exposition, 2008. (![]() |
[2007] | Coupled Vehicle Design and Network Flow Optimization for Air Transportation Systems , In 7th AIAA Aviation Technology,Integration and Operations Conference (ATIO), 2007. [bib] |
[2007] | Time-Expanded Decision Networks: A Framework for Designing Evolvable Complex Systems , In 17th International Symposium of the International Council on Systems Engineering, INCOSE 2007, 2007. [bib] |
[2007] | Modeling and Simulation of Lunar Campaign Logistics , In AIAA Space 2007 Conference and Exposition, 2007. [bib] |
[2007] | Fidelity Assessment of Spacecraft Structural Models using the Spatial Nyquist Criterion , In 3rd AIAA Multidisciplinary Design Optimization Specialist Conference, 2007. [bib] |
[2007] | Metrics for Assessing Coupling Density and Modularity in Complex Products and Systems , In ASME 2007 Design Engineering Technical Conferences, 2007. [bib] |
[2007] | The System Overlap Matrix – A Method and Tool for the Systematic Identification of Commonality Opportunities in Complex Technical Systems , In 9th International Design Structure Matrix (DSM) Conference, 2007. [bib] |
[2007] | in Complex Technical Systems , In Design Engineering Technical Conferences, 2007. [bib] |
[2007] | Design of a Platform-Based Surface Mobility System for Human Space Exploration , In AIAA Space 2007 Conference and Exposition, 2007. [bib] |
[2007] | Flexible and Reconfigurable Systems: Nomenclature and Review , In Proceedings of IDETC/CIE 2007, ASME 2007 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, 2007. [bib] |
[2007] | On the Role of DSM in Designing Systems and Products for Changeability , In 9th International Design Structure Matrix (DSM) Conference, 2007. [bib] |
[2007] | The System Overlap Matrix – A Method and Tool for the Systematic Identification of Commonality Opportunities in Complex Technical Systems , In 9th International Design Structure Matrix (DSM) Conference, 2007. [bib] |
[2007] | A Classification of Uncertainty for Early Product and System Design , In 16th International Conference on Engineering Design, 2007. [bib] |
[2007] | Platform-based Optimal Design of Planetary Campers , In 7th World Congress on Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2007. [bib] |
[2007] | System-level Optimization and Concurrent Engineering: A Comparative Experiment , In 3rd AIAA Multidisciplinary Design Optimization Specialist Conference, 2007. [bib] |
[2007] | Vehicle Routing Problem with Profits under Collective Resource Constraints , In 7th World Congress on Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2007. [bib] |
[2007] | State-of-the-Art and Future Trends in Multidisciplinary Design Optimization , In 3rd AIAA Multidisciplinary Design Optimization Specialist Conference, 2007. [bib] |
[2006] | Integrated Transportation System Design for Space Exploration Logistics , In International Astronautical Congress, 2006. [bib] |
[2006] | A Mathematical Model for Interplanetary Logistics , In SOLE 2006, 2006. [bib] |
[2006] | Modeling Interplanetary Logistics: A Mathematical Model for Mission Planning , In 9th International Conference on Space Operations, SpaceOps 2006, 2006. [bib] |
[2006] | Integrated Transportation Network Design Optimization , In 2nd AIAA MDO Specialist Conference, 2006. [bib] |
[2006] | Platform-based Design and Development: Current Trends and Needs in Industry , In Proceedings of IDETC/CIE 2006 ASME 2006 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, 2006. (![]() |
[2006] | Autonomous Logistics Technologies for Space Exploration: Experiment Results and Design Considerations , In 9th International Conference on Space Operations, SpaceOps 2006, 2006. [bib] |
[2006] | Spare Parts Requirements for Space Missions with Reconfigurability and Commonality , In 9th International Conference on Space Operations, SpaceOps 2006, 2006. [bib] |
[2006] | Self-Similar Modular Architectures for Reconfigurable Space Systems , In International Astronautical Congress, 2006. [bib] |
[2006] | An Integrated Modeling Tool for Sustainable Space Exploration , In International Astronautical Congress, 2006. [bib] |
[2006] | The Future of Asset Management for Human Space Exploration: Supply Classification and an Integrated Database , In International Astronautical Congress, 2006. [bib] |
[2006] | Logistics Information Systems for Human Space Exploration , In 9th International Conference on Space Operations, SpaceOps 2006, 2006. [bib] |
[2006] | An Integrated Modeling Tool for Sustainable Space Exploration , In International Astronautical Congress 2006, 2006. [bib] |
[2006] | Platform Identification using Design Structure Matrices , In Sixteenth Annual International Symposium of the International Council On Systems Engineering (INCOSE), 2006. (![]() |
[2006] | Fidelity of Subsystem Telescope Models and the Influence on Simulation Accuracy , In SPIE Astronomical Telescopes Conference, 2006. [bib] |
[2006] | Remote Terrestrial Sites as Operational/Logistics Analogs for Moon/Mars Bases: The Haughton Mars Project , In 9th International Conference on Space Operations, SpaceOps 2006, 2006. (![]() |
[2006] | A Modular State-Vector based Modeling Architecture for Diesel Exhaust System Design, Analysis and Optimization , In 11th IAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference, 2006. (![]() |
[2006] | Flexible Product Platforms: Framework and Case Study , In 2006 ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference, 2006. [bib] |
[2006] | A Systems Approach to Mass Budget Management , In 11th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference, 2006. [bib] |
[2006] | Space Transportation Network Model For Rapid Lunar Architectures Exploration , In International Astronautical Congress 2006, 2006. [bib] |
[2006] | Augmented Network Model for Engineering System Design , In International Conference on Complex Systems (ICCS2006), 2006. (![]() |
[2006] | Can Models Capture the Complexity of the Systems Engineering Process? , In International Conference on Complex Systems 2006 (ICCS2006), 2006. [bib] |
[2006] | Multiobjective Optimization of Two-Stage Rockets for Earth-to-Orbit Launch , In 2nd AIAA MDO Specialist Conference, 2006. [bib] |
[2005] | Exhaust System Manifold Development Enhancement through Multi-Attribute System Design Optimization , In 1st AIAA Multidisciplinary Design Optimization Specialist Conference, 2005. (![]() |
[2005] | Distributed Satellite Communication Systems: First-Order Interactions between System and Network Architectures , In 23nd AIAA International Communications Satellite Systems Conference and Exhibit, 2005. [bib] |
[2005] | Paradigm Shift in Design for NASA's Space Exploration Initiative: Results from MIT's Spring 2004 Study , In 1st Space Exploration Conference: Continuing the Voyage of Discovery, 2005. [bib] |
[2005] | Concurrent Trajectory and Vehicle Optimiztaion: A Case Study of Earth-Moon Supply Chain Logistics , In 1st AIAA Multidisciplinary Design Optimization Specialist Conference, 2005. [bib] |
[2005] | Designing Sustainable Launch Systems: Flexibility, Lock-In, and System Evolution , In 1st Georgia Tech Space Systems Engineering Conference, 2005. [bib] |
[2005] | Sustainability in System Architectures through Reconfigurability: A Case Study of Planetary Surface Vehicles , In International Astronautical Congress, 2005. [bib] |
[2005] | Optimal Reconfigurations for Increasing Capacity of Communication Satellite Constellations , In 1st AIAA Multidisciplinary Design Optimization Specialist Conference, 2005. [bib] |
[2005] | The Future of Asset Management for Human Space Exploration: Supply Classification and an Interplanetary Supply Chain Management Database , In AIAA Space 2006 Conference and Exposition, 2005. (pdf) [bib] |
[2005] | Integrated System-level Optimization for Concurrent Engineering with Parametric Subsystem Modeling , In 1st AIAA Multidisciplinary Design Optimization Specialist Conference, 2005. (![]() |
[2005] | Tradeoff Between Modularity and Performance for Engineered Systems and Products , In 2005 International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED), 2005. [bib] |
[2005] | Modular Building Blocks for Manned Spacecraft: A Case Study for Moon and Mars Landing Systems , In Proceedings of the 15th Annual International Symposium, 2005. [bib] |
[2005] | Comparison of Particle Swarm Optimization and the Genetic Algorithm , In 46th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, 2005. [bib] |
[2005] | Agile SYSTEMS ENGINEERING versus engineering AGILE SYSTEMS , In INCOSE 2005 - Systems Engineering Symposium, 2005. (![]() |
[2005] | A Modeling Framework For Interplanetary Supply Chains , In AIAA Space 2006 Conference and Exposition, 2005. [bib] |
[2005] | On-Orbit Assembly Strategies for Human Space Exploration , In International Astronautical Congress, 2005. [bib] |
[2005] | Optimal Launch Vehicle Size Determination for Moon-Mars Transportation Architectures , In AIAA Space 2005 Conference and Exposition, 2005. [bib] |
[2005] | Foundations of Supply Chain Management for Space Applications , In AIAA Space 2006 Conference and Exposition, 2005. (![]() |
[2005] | Active Learning Games , In 1st Annual CDIO Conference, 2005. [bib] |
[2005] | Engineering Design and Rapid Prototyping: A Rewarding CAD/CAE/CAM and CDIO Experience for Undergraduates , In 1st Annual CDIO Conference, 2005. [bib] |
[2005] | Modular Structures for Manned Space Exploration: The Truncated Octahedron as a Building Block , In 1st Space Exploration Conference: Continuing the Voyage of Discovery, 2005. (![]() |
[2005] | Selection and Technology Evaluation of Moon/Mars Transportation Architectures , In AIAA Space 2005 Conference and Exposition, 2005. [bib] |
[2005] | Graph-theoretical Considerations in Design of Large Telescope Arrays for Robustness and Scalability , In 1st AIAA Multidisciplinary Design Optimization Specialist Conference, 2005. [bib] |
[2004] | Optimization of Hybrid Satellite Constellations using Multiple Layers and Mixed Circular-Elliptical Orbits , In 22nd AIAA International Communications Satellite Systems Conference and Exhibit, 2004. [bib] |
[2004] | Design for Flexibility: Performance and Economic Optimization of Product Platform Components , In 10th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference, 2004. [bib] |
[2004] | Fuzzy Pareto Frontiers in Multidisciplinary System Architecture Analysis , In 10th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference, 2004. [bib] |
[2004] | Structural Shape Optimization Considering Both Performance and Manufacturing Cost , In 10th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference, 2004. [bib] |
[2004] | Multidisciplinary Structural Truss Topology Optimization for Reconfigurability , In 10th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference, 2004. [bib] |
[2004] | Complex System Classification , In Fourteenth Annual International Symposium of the International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE), 2004. (![]() |
[2004] | Progressive Structural Topology Optimization by Variable Chromosome Length Genetic Algorithm , In The Third China-Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Optimization of Structural and Mechanical Systems, 2004. [bib] |
[2004] | Adaptive Weighted Sum Method for Multiobjective Optimization , In 10th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference, 2004. [bib] |
[2004] | Innovative Modern Engineering Design and Rapid Prototyping Course: A Rewarding CAD/CAE/CAM Experience for Undergraduates , In American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE) 2004 Annual Conference and Exposition, 2004. [bib] |
[2004] | Variable Chromosome Length Genetic Algorithm for Structural Topology Design Optimization , In 45th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, 2004. [bib] |
[2004] | Flexible Design of Commercial Systems under Market Uncertainty: Framework and Application , In 10th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference, 2004. (![]() |
[2004] | Layout Optimization for a Wireless Sensor Network using a Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm , In IEEE Semiannual Vehicular Technology Conference, 2004. [bib] |
[2004] | Multi-objective genetic algorithm for the automated planning of a wireless sensor network to monitor a critical facility , In Proceedings from the SPIE Defense and Security Symposium, volume 5403, 2004. [bib] |
[2004] | Multidisciplinary System Optimization of Spacecraft Interferometer Testbed , In 10th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference, 2004. [bib] |
[2004] | Multi-configuration tuning of precision opto-mechanical systems , In SPIE conference on Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation, 2004. (![]() |
[2004] | Architecting a Communication Satellite Product Line , In 22nd AIAA International Communications Satellite Systems Conference and Exhibit 2004 (ICSSC), 2004. [bib] |
[2004] | Multiobjective Optimization: History and Promise , In The Third China-Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Optimization of Structural and Mechanical Systems, 2004. (Invited keynote paper, ![]() |
[2004] | Isoperformance: Analysis and Design of Complex Systems with known or desired Outcomes , In Fourteenth Annual International Symposium of the International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE), 2004. (![]() |
[2004] | Optimal Reconfigurations for Increasing Capacity of Communication Satellite Constellations , In 22nd AIAA International Communications Satellite Systems Conference and Exhibit 2004 (ICSSC), 2004. [bib] |
[2004] | Adaptive Weighted Sum Method for Bi-objective Optimization , In 45th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, 2004. [bib] |
[2004] | Search Algorithms for Space Tug Rendezvous: Simulation and Experiment , In 2004 IEEE Aerospace Conference, 2004. [bib] |
[2004] | Flexibility Strategy - Valuing Flexible Product Options , In 2004 INCOSE/ICSE Conference on Synergy Between Systems Engineering and Project Management, 2004. [bib] |
[2003] | Design and Implementation of and Aeronautical Design-Build-Fly Course , In 2003 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, 2003. [bib] |
[2003] | Fast Time Domain Simulation for Large-Order LTI Systems , In 44th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, 2003. [bib] |
[2003] | Fast Time Domain Simulation for Large-Order Linear Time Invariant Systems , In 22nd IASTED International Conference on Modeling, Identification, and Control (MIC 2003), 2003. [bib] |
[2003] | Architecting a Family of Space Tugs Based on Orbital Mission Scenarios , In AIAA Space 2003 Conference and Exposition, 2003. (![]() |
[2003] | Enhancing the Economics of Communication Satellites via Staged Deployment and Orbital Reconfiguration , In AIAA Space 2003 Conference and Exposition, 2003. [bib] |
[2003] | Product Family and Platform Portfolio Optimization , In 2003 ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference, 2003. (![]() |
[2003] | The Three Principles of Powered Flight: An Active Learning Approach , In 2003 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, 2003. [bib] |
[2003] | Quantitative assessment of technology infusion in communications satellite constellations , In 21st International Communications Satellite Systems Conference, 2003. [bib] |
[2003] | A parametric communications spacecraft model for conceptual design trade studies , In 21st International Communications Satellite Systems Conference, 2003. [bib] |
[2003] | Basic capacity calculation methods and benchmarking for MF-TDMA and MF-CDMA communication satellites , In 21st International Communications Satellite Systems Conference, 2003. (Invited paper) [bib] |
[2002] | Framework for Multidisciplinary Integrated Modeling and Analysis of Space Telescopes , In SPIE Proceedings: First International Workshop on Integrated Modeling of Telescopes, volume 4757, 2002. (![]() |
[2002] | Experimental Validation of Isoperformance Methodology , In 9th Annual AIAA Symposium on Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization, 2002. [bib] |
[2002] | Performance and Sensitivity Analysis for Large Order Linear Time-Invariant Systems , In 9th Annual AIAA Symposium on Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization, 2002. (![]() |
[2002] | Multidisciplinary Analysis of the NEXUS Precursor Space Telescope , In 2002 SPIE Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation, Conference on Highly Innovative Space Telescopes, 2002. (![]() |
[2002] | Architecture trade methodology for LEO personal communication systems , In 20th International Communications Satellite Systems Conference, 2002. [bib] |
[2002] | Multivariable Isoperformance Methodology for Precision Opto-Mechanical System , In 43rd AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, 2002. [bib] |
[2002] | Multivariable Isoperformance Methodology for Precision Opto-Mechanical Systems , In 21st IASTED International Conference on Modeling, Identification and Control (MIC 2002), Session on System Theory and Optimization, 2002. [bib] |
[2002] | Design and Implementation of Sparse Aperture Imaging Systems , In 2002 SPIE Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation, Conference on Highly Innovative Space Telescopes, 2002. [bib] |
[2001] | Integrated Dynamics and Controls Modeling for the Space Interferometry Mission (SIM) , In 2001 IEEE Aerospace Conference, 2001. [bib] |
[2000] | Architecting the Search for Terrestrial Planets and Related Origins (ASTRO) , In SPIE International Symposium on Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation 2000, 2000. [bib] |
[2000] | Integrated Modeling and Dynamics Simulation for the Next Generation Space Telescope , In SPIE International Symposium on Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation 2000, 2000. (![]() |
[1998] | Challenges and solutions for low-area density (LAD) spacecraft components – Application to ultra-thin solar panel technology , In AIAA Defense and Civil Space Programs Conference and Exhibit, 1998. [bib] |
[1998] | Multifunctionality in parabolic RF antenna design based on SMA actuated radiation pattern shaping , In 7th AIAA/USAF/NASA/ISSMO Symposium on Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization, 1998. [bib] |
[1998] | Adaptive Technique for Radiation Pattern Shaping of Parabolic Mesh Antennae: A Low Cost application of Shape Memory Alloy (SMA) Actuators in Spacecraft , In Proceedings 6th International Conference on New Actuators with Accompanying Exhibition, 1998. [bib] |
[1998] | Structural Dynamics and Controls for the Next Generation Space Telescope (NGST) - A preliminary study , In Proceedings 34th Liège International Astrophysics Colloquium, 1998. [bib] |
Technical Reports
[2010] | Controlling Cost Growth of NASA Earth and Space Science Missions , Technical report, National Research Council (NRC) of the National Academy of Sciences, 2010. [bib] |
[2010] | The Management of Change (MOC) in Major Oil and Gas Exploration Projects at BP , Technical report, BP Technical Report, 2010. [bib] |
[2008] | Estimating the Impact of Technology Infusion , Technical report, Xerox Corporation, 2008. [bib] |
[2007] | SpaceNet v1.3 User's Guide , Technical report, NASA, 2007. [bib] |
[2006] | Logistics Lessons Learned in NASA Space Flight , Technical report, NASA, 2006. (![]() |
[2006] | NASA Space Exploration Logistics Workshop Proceedings , Technical report, NASA, 2006. (![]() |
[2006] | Haughton-Mars Project Expedition 2005 , Technical report, NASA, 2006. (![]() |
[2004] | The Product Platforming Process for Vehicle Architectures , Technical report, General Motors Research and Development, 2004. [bib] |
[2004] | Flexible Component Design: Case of Mid/Large Architecture Floor Pan , Technical report, General Motors Research and Development, 2004. [bib] |
[2004] | Engineering and Market Data Analysis in Support of SUV Architecting , Technical report, General Motors Research and Development, 2004. [bib] |
[2004] | Market Driven Process for Flexible Vehicle Architectures , Technical report, General Motors Research and Development, 2004. [bib] |
Other Reports
[2011] | META II Complex Systems Design and Analysis (CODA) , United Technologies Corporation, 2011. [bib] |
[2007] | Integrated Cx Mission Model , NASA Integrated Design and Analysis Cycle 3 (IDAC3) Study, ATA-01-1006, 2007. [bib] |
[2004] | Uncertainty Management for Engineering Systems Planning and Design , 1st Engineering Systems Symposium, 2004. [bib] |
[2004] | The Influence of Architecture in Engineering Systems , 1st Engineering Systems Symposium, 2004. [bib] |
[2002] | An Attempt at Complex System Classification , 2002 M.I.T. ESD Symposium, 2002. (ESD-WP-2003-01.02) [bib] |
[2002] | System Architecture - An Overview and Agenda , Air Force Office of Sponsored Research (AFOSR) Workshop on System Architecture, 2002. [bib] |
[2000] | Dynamics and Controls Modeling and Analysis Toolbox (DOCS) for Space-Based Observatories , Proceedings of the ESO/NOVA International Interferometry Summer School, 2000. [bib] |
[1993] | Technologietransfer F/A-18 - Die Gestaltung eines Engineering Training Programmes für Forschung und Entwicklung , Swiss Aircraft and Systems Company, McDonnell Douglas, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, 1993. [bib] |
[1992] | Numerische Simulation des Innenhochdruckumformens , Institut für Umformtechnik, ETH Zürich, Switzerland, 1992. [bib] |
[1992] | Der Datenverbund ICT/TRACS/QUADRO , Report from CIM-Project, ABB Process Automation Inc., Turgi, Switzerland, 1992. [bib] |
[1992] | Wirksame Darstellung von Betriebsabläufen und Produkten , Projektarbeit, Project Report, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, ETH Zürich, Switzerland, 1992. [bib] |
[1990] | Querfliesspressen Kreuzstein , 3. Phase, FB Nr. 90-5, Institut für Umformtechnik, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule ETH Zürich, Switzerland, 1990. [bib] |
[2001] | Multivariable isoperformance methodology for precision opto-mechanical systems , PhD thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2001. (![]() |
[1999] | Integrated modeling and dynamics simulation for the next generation space telescope , Master's thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 1999. [bib] |
[1993] | Numerical Simulation of Superplastic Forming for Industrial Application , Master's thesis, Department of Industrial Engineering, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, ETH Zurich, 1993. [bib] |
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