MIT Strategic Engineering
- MIT's homepage spotlight, June 15, 2012, for our feature article on engineering systems and failure. Our group created a new design approach which tailors planes to fly in the face of likely failures. For further commentary regarding engineering aircraft design, go to the MIT News site, where you will find his story showcased – June 15, 2012
- Prof. de Weck quoted in AP story (picked up by many media outlets) about the future of the U.S. space business: “With shuttle's end, space firms seek new direction”– April 29, 2012
- Olivier de Weck talks about the prospects for funding trips to Mars: “Trying to save missions to Mars” – Marketplace – American Public Media – February 27, 2012
- Professsor de Weck is serving as Executive Director of the MIT Production in the Innovation Economy (PIE) initiative: "MIT faculty see promise in American manufacturing" – MIT News – January 25, 2012 (MIT homepage spotlight story)
- TPP alum Michael Pasqual and Professor Olivier de Weck win a "Reviewers’ Favorite" award at ICED'11 – August 19, 2011
- Opening of Center for Complex Engineering Systems at KACST and MIT - The center's co-directors are Olivier de Weck and KACST professor Anas Alfaris. – July 27, 2011
- The International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) has selected the Systems Engineering paper by Olivier de Weck, Eun Suk Suh, Michael Furst, and Kenneth Mihalyov to receive the journal’s 2010 Best Paper of the Year Award. This research grew out of a multi-year collaboration with Xerox. Read full news item on the MIT website. - June 20, 2011
- Olivier de Weck wins Capers and Marion McDonald Award for Excellence in Mentoring and Advising - May 7, 2010
- Prof. Olivier de Weck appointed to National Research Council (NRC) Committee - December 3, 2009
- Olivier de Weck quoted in Boston Globe article about Space Investment Summit - The Boston Globe - October 1, 2009
- Prof. Newman and Prof. de Weck featured in June IEEE Spectrum Special Issue on Mars: "What to wear on Mars" and "What to pack for Mars"
- Olivier de Weck receives INCOSE 2008 Outstanding Achievement Award - May 2009
- Prof. de Weck addresses swissnex delegation - April 10, 2009
- Prof. de Weck to present keynote address at The First International Symposium on Symbiotic, Safe and Secure System Design in Japan - February 13, 2009
- ESD Contributes to INSIGHT issue on Space Systems - January 30, 2009
- Smaling and de Weck Win Systems Engineering's 2007 Best Paper Award - June 24, 2008
- ESD a strong presence at INCOSE 2008 in Utrecht (.pdf) - June 20, 2008
- Frey, de Weck receive tenure - June 10, 2008
- MIT and Cambridge University to co-sponsor CMI engineering change workshops for industry and academia - March 26, 2008
- Japan’s Keio University launches Graduate School of System Design and Management - January 3, 2008
- AIAA committee presents de Weck with outstanding service award - May 17, 2007
- SpaceNet—The Supply Chain
Network of nodes could ensure delivery to moon
Prof. de Weck elected AIAA Associate Fellow, September 21, 2006
Prof. Olivier de Weck Receives Promotion, June 6, 2006
Prof. de Weck honored with Frank E. Perkins Award, May 24, 2006
Prof. de Weck to serve as 2006 AIAA MDO conference general chair, February 22, 2006
Massimo Usan Wins SDM's First Best Thesis Award, December 16, 2005
MIT Researchers Visit Mars on Earth, November 20, 2005
Rhodes, Frey Honored at INCOSE Symposium ESD plays major role in event, July 22, 2005
It Came from Outer Space—Efficiently, June 24, 2005
Prof. Olivier L. de Weck: MIT Faculty Newsletter, May 30, 2005
ESD Professors Receive NASA Funding for Interplanetary Supply Chain Management Research, May 12, 2005
Prof. Olivier de Weck to serve as Technical Chair of the 1st AIAA Multidisciplinary Design Optimization Conference, April 12, 2005
Prof. de Weck speaks at MITRE, March 28, 2005
INCOSE Gives Three Best Paper Awards to MIT, August 13, 2004
Recent Papers presented at the 2004 Engineering Systems Symposium:
Olivier de Weck Appointed to Robert N. Noyce Career Development Professorship, September 21, 2003