HMP e-Logbook

As the field season progressed, the MIT team recorded and posted daily a record of their activities, along with a few selected photos.

The field site's logbook has been duplicated here.

July: 8 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 August: 1 2 3 4-6

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July 15, 2005

Written by Matt Silver

Today was Oli and Erica's last on camp. A large part of the day was spent tagging and inventorying the mess tent. Oli had completed an inventory of the tent yesterday, but we still needed to tag and record numbers for all the items already in the database. This turned out to be a very tedious process. The tags do not stick well in the cold weather, and extra tape and other additions are needed for most items. Before an item can be tagged, both a bar-code and a tag must be associated with each other, then programmed, and then stuck onto something that will stick to the object. Needless to say, it takes a very long time to accurately tag and record the hundreds of items in the tent. Once these inventories are complete, however, we will have a very clear picture of the base-camp, and hopefully begin tracking the movement of items. Already, people on camp have become accustomed to our work and often ask us where different things are, so there is a lot of value in what we are doing.

In the middle of the day, Oli and Erica were able to take drive on the ATVs over to Cornel lake, which is on the edge of the Haughton Crater. The lake is still iced over, and is a beautiful blue color:

Fig 1: Erica and Oz at Cornell Lake

Erica and Oli left on a Twin Otter back to Resolute at about 4pm, and Matt and Mike finished tagging the Mess the tent. After dinner, a lot of people on camp went for a hike around the area. Below are some pictures.

Fig 2: Hiking outside of the Crater after dinner
Fig 3: View back to camp from about 2 kilometers. The red on the rock is lichen, likely caused by bird droppings. There aren't many birds or plants around, so this kind of thing stands out.

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