MIT Strategic Engineering

Publications by Date

[7] HabNet - An Integrated Habitation and Supportability Architecting and Analysis Environment (Sydney Do, Andrew Owens, Olivier L. de Weck), In 45th International Conference on Environment Systems (ICES), 2015. (pdf) [bib]
[6] Analytical model and simulations of closed-loop rebreather systems for Earth and Space applications (Ioana Josan-Drinceanu, Olivier L. de Weck), In 45th International Conference on Environmental Systems, 2015. [bib] [doi]
[5] A simplified mathematical model for two-sided market systems with an intervening engineered platform (Kaushik Sinha, Edoardo F. Colombo, Narek Shougarian, Olivier L. de Weck), In IDETC Conference 2015, 2015. [bib]
[4] Impact of architecture types and degree of modularity on change propagation indices (Edoardo F. Colombo, Gaetano Cascini, Olivier L. de Weck), In ICED Conference 2015, 2015. [bib]
[3] Automated Risk and Supportability Model Generation for Repairable Systems (Andrew C. Owens, Olivier L. de Weck), In 66th International Astronautical Congress, 2015. [bib]
[2] Comparison of Spares Logistics Analysis Techniques for Long Duration Human Spaceflight (Andrew C. Owens, Olivier L. de Weck, Bryan Mattfeld, Chel Stromgren, William Cirillo), In 45th International Conference on Environmental Systems, 2015. [bib]
[1] Benefits of Additive Manufacturing for Human Exploration of Mars (Andrew C. Owens, Sydney Do, Andrew E. Kurtz, Olivier L. de Weck), In 45th International Conference on Environmental Systems, 2015. [bib]
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